114 research outputs found

    On the synergistic use of Envisat/ASAR imagery and ancillary spatial data for monitoring Doñana wetlands

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    A time series of Envisat/ASAR images was acquired for monitoring the inundation evolution in Doñana National Park wetlands. Flood mapping from the ASAR data alone was unfeasible due to the complex casuistic of Doñana’s covers backscattering. A digital terrain model and a vegetation map were then utilized to complement the ASAR data. The use of irregular filtering neighborhoods adapted to the terrain elevation contours drastically improved the ASAR images filtering. Pixels highly likely to belong to the different cover classes were selected by combining the vegetation map, the DTM-based sub-basin segmentation and previous knowledge on the covers backscattering. The regions were grown based on the Mahalanobis distance, yielding accurate classification maps of flooded and emerged cover types.Postprint (published version

    Local isotropy indicator for SAR image filtering: application to Envisat/ASAR images of the Doñana Wetland

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    ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper explores a geometrical and computationally simple operator, named Ds, for local isotropy assessment on SAR images. It is assumed that isotropic intensity distributions in natural areas, either textured or nontextured, correspond to a single cover class. Ds is used to measure isotropy in processing neighborhoods and decide if they can be considered as belonging to a unique cover class. The speckle statistical properties are used to determine suitable Ds thresholds for discriminating heterogeneous targets from isotropic cover types at different window sizes. An assessment of Ds as an edge detector showed sensitivities similar to those of the ratio edge operator for straight, sharp boundaries, centered in the processing window, but significantly better sensitivity for detecting heterogeneities during the window expansion in multiresolution filtering. Furthermore, Ds presents the advantage versus the ratio edge coefficient of being rotationally invariant, and its computation indicates the direction of the main intensity gradient in the processing window. The Ds operator is used in a multiresolution fashion for filtering ASAR scenes of the Doñana wetland. The intensities in isotropic areas are averaged in order to flatten fluctuations within cover types and facilitate a subsequent land cover classification. The results show high degree of smoothing within textured cover classes, plus effective spatial adaptation to gradients and irregular boundaries, substantiating the usefulness of this operator for filtering SAR data of natural areas with the purpose of classification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Local texture stationarity indicator for filtering Doñana wetlands SAR images

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    This paper defines a new operator, named Ds, for local texture stationarity assessment on SAR images. . The aim is to discriminate heterogeneous targets from land cover types of high normalized variance values, as those observed in flooded vegetation areas of Doñana wetlands. Suitable Ds thresholds for such discrimination were estimated for different window sizes through Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic textures. Maximum stationary texture windows were then determined on Doñana ASAR scenes by Ds multi-resolution thresholding and averaging was applied within. Results reveal the substantial degree of smoothing achieved over high variance cover types, while edges among different targets were properly preserved.Postprint (published version

    Modelación numérica bidimensional de la dinámica sedimentaria del río Ebro en Castejón

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    El objeto de este estudio consiste en la construcción y calibración de un modelo numérico para la simulación de la dinámica sedimentaria del tramo de río Ebro comprendido entre los puentes de la N-113 y de la autopista AP-15 en Castejón, para su posterior aplicación a otros tramos del mismo río. Se ha analizado numéricamente mediante el modelo Iber la dinámica sedimentaria del tramo del río cuyas batimetrías se obtuvieron durante las campañas anterior y posterior a las importantes avenidas que tuvieron lugar entre enero y marzo de 2015. Una vez incorporada la geometría del cauce al modelo, se han simulado los caudales circulantes en el período comprendido entre las dos batimetrías y la evolución del cauce así obtenida se ha comparado con la que muestra la diferencia entre ambas batimetrías, lo que ha permitido calibrar los parámetros del modelo. Mediante el modelo calibrado se dispone ahora de una herramienta que permite reproducir la dinámica sedimentaria de un tramo del río Ebro. Esta herramienta puede resultar útil para poder describir el comportamiento de otros tramos del mismo río.Postprint (published version

    La rotura de la presa de Xuriguera

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    En esta comunicación se presenta un resumen del trabajo realizado por este Departamento, relativo a la rotura de la Presa de La Xu­riguera. El citado embalse se encontraba situado en el torrente de La Xu­riguera, en la cuenca del bajo Llobregat, dentro del término mu­nicipal de Terrassa (Barcelona). La presa fue promovida por la Sociedad Anónima Mina P6blica de Aguas de Terrassa, a efectos de mejorar el abastecimiento de aguas potables a Terrassa y San Pedro de Terrassa. La explotación del embalse de inició en 1902, teniendo lugar el primer llenado completo en Febrero de 1903. En la noche del 24 de Febrero de 1944 se produjo la rotura de la presa.Postprint (published version

    Desarrollo de una herramienta para simular obstrucciones en flujos con Iber

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    Los modelos de simulación hidráulica en lámina libre han supuesto un revulsivo para el análisis de inundaciones, entre otros. Su evolución está permitiendo realizar simulaciones cada vez más complejas, y por ende más realistas, a pesar de las simplificaciones que han sido necesarias para la obtención de las ecuaciones que gobiernan el flujo. La consideración de obstrucciones al flujo tales como vegetación, vehículos, etc., puede ser tratado de diferentes maneras (aumento de la rugosidad, secciones equivalentes, etc.). En este trabajo se presenta una nueva herramienta en Iber que permite simular obstrucciones al flujo considerando el porcentaje de obstrucción que suponen respecto a la sección completa. Se ha testado la herramienta mediante casos teóricos y reales con buenos resultados.Postprint (published version

    Modelització numèrica 2D en embassaments: temperatura i transport de sediments a l'embassament de Riba-Roja (riu Ebre)

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    En aquesta comunicació es presenta un breu resum dels treballs realitzats a l’embassament de Riba-Roja d’Ebre, per tal de conèixer i estudiar el comportament hidrodinàmic, l’evolució tèrmica i la dinàmica sedimentària del mateix. Es resumeixen breument els treballs de camp realitzats i la instrumentació utilitzada per tal d’obtenir les dades necessàries per dur a terme l’estudi. També es presenten simulacions realitzades mitjançant dos models numèrics bidimensionals molt diferents: el model CE-QUAL-W2 (hidrodinàmica i temperatura 2D en la longitud i la profunditat) i el model Iber (hidrodinàmica i transport de sediments en suspensió, 2D en el pla). Finalment es comparen i discuteixen els resultats obtinguts, tot comparant-los amb les dades reals obtingudes in situ.Peer Reviewe

    Computational modelling of fine sediment relocation within a dam reservoir by means of artificial flood generation in a reservoir cascade

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright (2019) American Geophysical Union.Sediment relocation is a process where water turbulence moves deposits from shallower to deeper zones of a lake or reservoir. Additionally, in the context of a reservoir cascade relocation is a one of the possible sediment management strategies used to maintain the operational capacity of reservoirs. Numerical modelling tools applied to sediment dynamics can help to better understand the reservoir sedimentary processes and enhance the design of management strategies. This paper describes the detailed analysis of the cohesive sediment dynamics within a reservoir and a methodology for the calibration of numerical models for the management of sediment deposits through dam operation and upstream generation of artificial floods. The calibration process was based on an Accumulated Sediment Volume (ASV) curve and the usage of simplified models for an initial parameter estimation. The calibrated model has been applied to analyse different possibilities of sediment relocation strategies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft